Sunday, December 18, 2011

Strange thing watching CNN

 I was watching the news yesterday, something I do not do very often, and there was a moderator on CNN with two other dudes talking about economics and the economy. The dudes were over-animated and clearly full of crap (like all people who are clearly full of crap), but spoke presumptuously as it they knew what they were talking about. Then, I saw the captions below each of the dudes, and they were both "journalists" from newspapers. Now, if I were asking for opinion on economics, I would at least try to find someone who knew something about the subject, like - an economist! There are probably tons of economists looking for work and itching for time on a major network. But CNN gets two "journalists." Not to knock on journalists; I am sure there are real pros out there doing the good work, but come on. This was just too much.

The moderator, to make things worse, had his head shaved completely bald, shined and had a cone head, and his glasses were those modern rectangular types (Kind of like the ones I have, but wider) we see nowadays, that just do not fit his head. You would think if the network managers were real pros, they would take all these things into consideration. And, this is CNN, the ones with the biggest budgets and largest workforce. Appropriate Internet three letter word: WTF?